Why isn't there just a simple pension Excel calculator on the internet, so I can do my own pension planning?
Well..., from now on there is!
Simply download the Excel Pension Calculator (allow macro's !!) and get an idea of how much you'll have to invest to end up with the pension benefit level of your dreams.... or less... ;-)
Or..., just fill in how much you can afford to invest monthly and see for yourself what pension benefit level is within reach, based on expected return rates, investment methods and inflation.
Just to give a small visual impression of the calculator...
Press on 'Calc' buttons to calculate the variable to the left, while leaving all other variables constant.
Also some modest graphics are available. A small example....
Take a look at the next graph that shows how your yearly pension is yearly funded by:
- the yearly desavings (= dissavings) from your saving account
- the yearly addition from the pension fund (= estimated savings of pension fund members that will die in this year)
- the yearly return on your saving account
Notice the immense impact of the (yearly increasing) addition of your pension fund (= savings of the active members who are expected to die in a particular year and contribute to the savings of your account) compared to the other components (desavings and returns).
The calculator offers several interesting options:
- Set the calculator to 'Saving Account' instead of 'Pension Fund' to notice the difference in outcomes between these two systems.
- Switch to the life table of your choice (p.e. the country where you live)
- Set and name your own personal Life Table or Investment Scheme
- Simulate longevity effects by manipulating the Life Table Age Correction field
The Excel Pension Calculator has much more features. More than I can handle in this blog. Just download the calculator and play with it to really touch base and to learn what pension is all about....
- Download the Excel Pension Calculator
Disclaimer: This pension Calculator is just for demonstration purposes. The accuracy of the calculations of this calculator is not guaranteed nor is its applicability to your individual circumstances. You should always obtain personal advice from qualified professionals. Also take notice of the disclaimer in the Excel Pension Calculator.
P.S. I : On request a Quick Start tip
1. Download Calculator and open Excel Spreadsheet
2. Don't forget to"Enable Macros" !! 3. Enable iterative calculation; Set Max. Iterations=1000, Max. Change=0.4
3. Change 'Start Age Contribution' to your actual age
4. Notice that the amount 'Saving Surplus at age 120:' changes
5. Press the 'Calc' button next to 'Contribution' to calculate your Contribution
6. Or, Press the 'Calc' button next to 'Pension' to calculate your yearly pension
7. Set any other Field as you like and press any of the 'Calc' Buttons
P.S. II : New update, version 2012.2 on April 4, including a single premium option.
P.S. III: New update, version 2012.3 on April 20, drop down menus (under Excel-2010) now also operate under Excel-2007 versions...
P.S. III: New update, version 2012.3 on April 20, drop down menus (under Excel-2010) now also operate under Excel-2007 versions...