Mar 23, 2010

Return of a U.S. Debt Dollar

Take a (compressed) look at what author and business owner Nathan Martin calls:

This chart, based on the latest (March 11, 2010) U.S. Treasury Z1 Flow of Funds report, shows the change in GDP divided by the change in Debt. Or in other words: it illustrates how much extra economic productivity is gained by pumping one extra dollar of debt into our debt backed money system.

As is clear, the economic return of one dollar of 'debt infusion' declined from a positive $ 0.70 in the sixties to a negative $ 0.45 return by the end of 2009!

From a macroeconomic point of view the U.S. economy is fully saturated with debt. Flushing more debt in the U.S. economy will no longer help the economy out. Moreover, it will damage the economic growth!

Interested? Read the full blog of Nathan A. Martin

- Source: The Most Important Chart of the Century!
- U.S. Treasury Z1 Flow of Funds report (March 11, 2010)

Mar 21, 2010

Country Default Probability

National debts are growing worldwide. It seems we're drowning in a sea of debt. Who's gonna survive?

By experience we know that whenever our gut-feeling takes us for a ride, help of statistical models is necessary to rebalance and get sight at the real problem.

Sovereign Risk Monitor
In this case of 'national debt', the help of CMA's Sovereign Risk Monitor comes in. The CMA Sovereign Risk Monitor identifies and ranks the world’s most volatile sovereign debt issuers according to percentage changes in their 5 year CDS. CMA also calculates the Cumulative Probability of Default (CPD), the 5 year probability of a country being unable to honour its debt obligations.

Let's take a look at the world's most risky countries in Q4 2009:

Yet, the 'Default Landscape' is rapidly changing as becomes clear in CMA's interesting daily 19 March 2010 report showing Greece 'Cumulative Probability of Default' rising to 24.27%.

On the other hand we've got the world's best Countries, with Norway on top....

More actual information is available at CMA (registration required).

Let's hope for the best....

- CMA Sovereign Risk Report for Q4 2009
- Source: CMA
- Latest CMA Update

Mar 14, 2010

Hedge Fun

Do you recognize the next situation?

You're at a birthday party or having a social evening. Everybody is having fun, talking to each other and - like usual - discussing the latest financial topics, scandals and solutions.

Suddenly someone turns to you and says: Heee.. you're an actuary, you can tell us what a a hedge fund is!

Of course as born or raised actuaries we all know what a hedge fund is. But when it comes down to explaining what a hedge fund is to clients, board members, friends or family, probably not one of us can explain it better than Paddy Hirsch, Senior Editor at Marketplace, can in the next Youtube video:

Now, when a Hedge Fund or a (Lehman)bank 'unexpectedly' gets into trouble, it simply uses the Repo 105 technique to to survive. Paddy Hirsch explains again.....

As professional risk managers we would expect these high risk Hedge Funds to operate under excessively severe capital requirements. Too bad...., this is not the case, as Mr. Timothy Geithner explains in the next video......

From Mr. Geithner's statements it's clear that Hedge Funds are de facto treated as 'Hedge Fun' until the systemic risk shows up.

However, when this risk becomes manifest, it will be to late to take appropriate measures.

Misunderstanding: Risk management
One of the great public misunderstandings of Risk Management is that most people - obviously including Government -think that Risk management is all about 'Managing Damage' after the corresponding loss has occurred.

As we know, Risk Management is about something else:

I. Identify, Analize & Prevent Risk
About 70% of Risk Management is about constantly identifying, analyzing and preventing risks from happening.

II. Emergency Response Plan
Another 20% is about proactively creating and updating Emergency Response Plans (ERP's) on how to deal with loss and how to limit and reduce that loss in case of the unfortunate event that a risk materializes in a loss.

III. Damage Reduction
Only the last 10% is about 'damage reduction' by executing the ERP's and tackling losses in case a risk - notwithstanding the measures taken - has resulted in a loss.

Perhaps we should offer (one volunteer is worth two pressed men) Mr. Geither a free Risk Management Course from the institute of actuaries.....

Read more about (the regulation of) Hegde Funds in an excellent (2006) paper by Dale A. Oesterle called Regulating Hedge Funds.

It's clear: there's nothing funny about fundy hedge funds....

Corresponding Links:
- Derivatives study center : Hedge Fund
- Regulating Hedge Funds (2006)
- Marketplace videos
- Will Lehman Brothers and Repo 105 allegations bring down Ernst & Young?
- Wikipedia: Repurchase agreement, Repo 105