Jun 21, 2012

Gold as Investment

Financial institutions have to optimize ‘Risk – Return’ and diversify their portfolio. This (strongly interactive) presentation by CEO and Actuary Jos Berkemeijer, supports the power of Gold as the best asset class to optimize ‘Risk – Return’ in a given portfolio.

Just widen your knowledge about monetary gold by examining  the next  presentation given on June 19 2012 as a 'Johan de Witt Lecture' before 60 in gold interested actuaries of the Dutch Actuarial Association (Actuarieel Genootschap, AG), the professional association of actuaries and actuarial specialists in the Netherlands.

With the help of a button (""ACTuary NOW" ), Jos Berkemeijer calls for action by actuaries on several main issues . 

Gold as InvestmentGold as Investment


  1. Its good investment on gold coz god price every time up down so u bring money. this investment.
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  2. Cool site, thanks for the gold investing info - its pretty much the safest investment we have in this recession!

  3. Pretty nice blog, the idea you provide will capture my attention to visit your site again and again.

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  4. God investment is really the best these days. Go get a gold account now at your bank and your account will be safe. I know it already.
